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THE SOONER THE BETTER Start the conversation. Change the culture. Educate your community. MEDA is expanding our Education and Awareness initiative to include an early intervention effort, “The Sooner the Better”, MEDA is offering presentations from a skilled mental health clinician on a range of topics including Body Confidence, Eating Disorders, and Promoting Positive Body Culture in Your Schools and Homes.

These presentations are suitable for both large and small groups. For more information and to schedule a presentation. Education is Power. Take the steps today to inform your community. The Sooner the Better!
We are proud to have as an Education Sponsor and thank them for their support of the “Sooner the Better” program. KAYLA’S STORY My name is Kayla and I am recovered from an eating disorder.
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Let me say that again: after a struggle that consumed nearly half my life, I have fully recovered from Anorexia. I must admit that I never thought I would say those words. There were times when I didn’t even really believe in this thing that people called “recovery.” Anxious and toe-tapping I would sit in the back of the room at talks like this one. I stared at the carpet and listened to peoples’ stories.
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I heard their rhythmic ways of speaking, the soothing voices, the sentences full of courage, of love, of success- but I didn’t believe them.