Download Sharepoint Server 2010 For Windows 7
. Installing SharePoint Foundation 2010 on Windows 7 64 bit For SharePoint 2010, there are 2 versions; SharePoint Server and SharePoint Foundation. SharePoint Server is a commercial version with the full features of all; Foundation is free version with limited functionality, but if it is possible to fully exploit the features and services using SharePoint Foundation then it can also be considered as successful. Here I will guide the implementation of SharePoint Foundation installed on Windows 7 64 bit.
Installing Windows SharePoint Server is easy, just run it directly to do it, but on Windows 7 64 bit, then a number of steps are necessary to install the additional software. Note: It is not possible to install SharePoint on Windows 7 32 bit. Configure the SharePoint installation OS: Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 x64 (or Windows Server 2008 R2 x64) / Windows 7 x64 / Windows Vista Service Pack 1 x64 / Windows Vista Service Pack 2 x64. 2 or more CPU's, RAM 4GB.

Microsoft requires a minimum of 4GB RAM installed, but for trial and test purposes I can run on a 2.5GHz dual core PC, 2GB RAM, although somewhat slow but acceptable. And recently, run on Core i3 2.1GHz, 2GB RAM saw a normal run. But probably a 4GB system will be much better, that will also make room for other applications. Prepare software installed with After installation many times I collected 9 installed with software such as the following, it is not necessary to install all possible cases for the machine you already have; one of them, when installing certain software Microsoft packages, if the software already exists then the message will be shown that it is not necessary to reinstall it.
And of course it is indispensable to install SharePoint Foundation 2010. Link download:. Unpack the install SharePoint After installing, the software will support SharePoint Foundation to extract some changes inside.
The extract will use a commandline. To make it easy for you, you should copy the file best installed on drive C: and Commandline command as in the following to extract. After you unzip the folder you will get C: sp. Unpacking After unpacking is complete, navigate to the file 'C: sp files Setup config.xml' to access additional code. Before the and save.
Thank you Jeremy, I visited SharePoint Dev Wiki and found very useful your concept of the tree view menu listing all the operations to be performed. As you present a version of the installation using Domain Acounts that is complementary the one I present here, I placed a link toward it in my post. 1 - I wonder if we really had to install all we have installed before installing SharePoint 2010 since many of these installations are to be performed by the Prerequisites tool. 2 - Furthermore, I have updated automatically my OS through the Internet just after having created it, and I had the following message: 'the update is not applicable for your computer' for the two following updates: - PowerShell v2.0 CTP3 (Windows6.0-KB968930x64) - KB971831 - Allow token based authentication w/o transport or message encryption Regarding the second update (KB971831), it seems that the link supplied by MSDN and by the page ' are not leading to the correct update for the R2 version of the OS.
As referenced by you in your post, I think the good update is to find at: Its name: Windows6.1-KB976462-x64 I performed the installation today and it ran perfectly well. 3 - Last, I am very interested in this new concept of Delegate User for the Farm, it seems to be what we did previously for implementing Least Privileges Administration Policy. I wonder if you have to perform this task if you have already done it during the installation. Thank you again. Rob Potthoff said. I have tried your How to and I am stuck, I am in the SP Shell trying to make the Database, and I am getting this error, New-SPConfigurationDatabase: Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException' was thrown At Line:1 char:28 + New-SPConfigurationDatabase.
Hi, I think the problem is that your computer CPU is not a supported 64-bit processor. Here is the excerpt of the VMWARE documentation available at: Check this section:. Support for 64-Bit Guest Operating Systems When you power on a virtual machine with a 64-bit guest operating system, Workstation performs an internal check: if the host CPU is not a supported 64-bit processor, you cannot power on the virtual machine.
VMware also provides a standalone utility that you can use without Workstation to perform the same check and determine whether your CPU is supported for Workstation virtual machines with 64-bit guest operating systems. You can download the from the VMware Web download site. I am afraid you have to buy a new computer. Hope this helps. Innocent ByStander said. Salut Marc, Thank you very much for the excellent guide. One observation I can make is that VMWare is not the only products that allows to run 64bits VM on 32 bits OS.
Virtualbox also does that and even before VMWare. Virtualbox (free) has comparable features than VMWare Workstation 7x. Have a look, you'll need some adjustments to get used to VB GUI and config, this is just a habits change.
When done, you'll be pleased by the level of performance and features. As shocking as it may seem, VMWare is no longer the king in Desktop Virtualization. Virtualbox progresses at a stunning pace and is available under several platforms - and easy to install - including Linux and Mac. Anonymous said. I need help regarding New-SPConfigrationDataBase issue. When i give information without administration permissions management shell, i got error that Requested register access is not allowed.
When i open managemnt shell as a administrator permission then i got nothing error but my domain name and user name with line 1 and char 28.etc. How can i solve this issue.'
I followed this link to install sharepoit 2010 Results were good till 8.3, but at 8.3 i stuck. So can you pls help to figure out my probelm.
Best Regards Kazmi. Hey I've got the New-SPConfigurationDatabase error stuf:) New-SPConfigurationDatabase: Cannot connect to database master at SQL server at VSP01. The database might not exist, or the current user does not have permis sion to connect to it. At line:1 char:28 + new-spconfigurationdatabase.
Hi Sper, We have to things to check: 1 - is SQL Server Correctly installed? Open it and check that the master database is present and make tests to connect to it. 2 - Does the account you use to launch the SharePoint shell have sysadmin privileges for SQL? Normally you should have an account that is local administrator of the machine and you should have used this account, both to install SQL Server, and to install SharePoint binaries and launch the SharePoint Shell. For more information about SQl Server installation, check: especially this section: 3.13 Step 13: Server Configuration hope this helps. Hi Sper, can you check the SQL version and service pack version? Are you sure that you did not create a named instance when you installed SQL Server?
Can you check that Named Pipes are activated both in the server features and in SQL? If you try to perform the SharePoint configuration several times you have to check if databases have been created and delete them before each new trial. You can also check Event Viewer and especially SharePoint logs to find more information about this issue.
Hi Sper, happy to help, I did the same few years ago and I spoiled hours to understand what was going wrong so I did not forget;-) I am sure there is a syntax to call the named instance when the SharePoint Shell ask for the Database, otherwise you could not use named instances with Sharepoint 2010, so you have to search for this in MS documentation or perform tests. Try to pass as parameter the named instance, or severName/NamedInstance or anything else that make sense. Maybe if you display the Shell help on the command, it is explained. Maybe there is a parameter for this. Perform tests and don't forget to delete created databases between tests, but I don't think there will be databases created before anyway because it fails before creation.
And most of all, when you find the syntax, let us know it within a comment on this blog or a link to a post on your blog. Anonymous said. Hi Marc, Thank you for posting this detailed tutorial. I successfully installed Sharepoint 2010 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual machine (using VMWare Server, latest version). The host is a Windows Server 2003 machine. The problem is that I cannot remotely access Sharepoint Central Admin from the host. I get: 'Network Access Message: The page cannot be displayed ' But I can access it perfectly from inside the virtual machine.
The way I am trying to access it remotely from the host is: Please advise. I thought it's a firewall issue but if I disable the firewall on the VM, it makes no difference. Hi, thank you! I am happy if it helps.
Regarding accessing the SharePoint site from another computer, if you can ping the virtual machine where SharePoint is installed from another computer, you're done. After that, just call the SharePoint site by its Url with before If it is just to do tests when accessing the SharePoint site from another machine in order not to work localy and to be sure you will have the same results when deploying in a real environment, no need of another machine.
Free Download Sharepoint Server 2010 For Windows 7 32 Bit
You can do remote tests from your Host computer. I do this very often, and it is very useful, for example, you could have IE8 on the virtual machine and IE9 on your host computer, and call the SharePoint site from your host computer using IE9. With VMWare, you can ping the virtual machine from the host computer.
Virden, The 'Add roles' link is available in the 'Initial Configuration Tasks window'. Normally, this windows is displayed each time you open your machine.
If not you can recall it by running: C: Windows System32 Oobe.exe On this window there is the third section: 3 Customize this server And the first link of this section is: Add roles So, you just have to click on the 'Add roles' link and follow my instructions. You can see all this on my screenshot.
I put a red circle around the links to use Hope that helps!