German Body Composition Program Charles Poliquin Fat
A multitude of strength programs have been devised throughout the years that promise to deliver serious and uncompromising results. Whether promising to add significant strength and size gains to an athlete's frame, in the form of a classic powerlifting approach adopted by the likes of Louis Simmons of Westside Barbell, or enhancing an athlete's explosive power qualities via an Olympic lifting approach popularized by Will Fleming, the list goes on in terms of coaching influences and effective program design.
Athletes need to look at fat loss differently from non-athletes. Aside from the self-confidence that is naturally associated with the improved aesthetics of being lean, having minimal body fat has significant performance benefits on the court, field or ice. Decreased intracellular fat stores lowers muscle viscosity Just like motor oil provides essential lubrication to a car engine (allowing that engine to exhibit more horsepower), reductions in body fat are associated with greater contractile properties of working muscle.
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Namely, body fat (like a back-pack full of bricks) is effectively dead weight for speed and power athletes. Reducing body fat means working muscles encounter less physical resistance and contract with greater force and speed! Greater relative strength levels can be achieved Relative strength is defined as an athlete's maximal strength levels (usually measured through a key lift like a Back Squat) divided by his or her body weight. For comparative purposes, more collegiate and professional strength coaches continue to look at relative strength numbers (compared to absolute strength numbers which are independent of body weight) to standardize testing procedures and provide constructive feedback to head coaches about an athlete's performance levels. In sports with weight classes like boxing and MMA, relative strength counts for everything, as it is often relative strength levels that so often determines the outcome of a match, since striking power and grappling ability are all directly related to strength. Simply shedding body fat allows athletes to instantaneously improve their relative strength levels and, as a result, their performance. Less physiological stress is ultimately placed upon the athlete, enhancing work capacity and improving recovery From a recovery standpoint, increased levels of body fat place more stress on the body's physiological systems, including the central nervous system (e.g., the aforementioned increases in muscular viscosity), the cardiovascular system, and the body's overall metabolic systems.
As a result, an athlete's body becomes more susceptible to fatigue, as it has to work that much harder with each muscular contraction to produce force and energy. For your typical lineman in football, this means more energy is expended during each down and that less recovery can take place between downs. Additionally, from a health standpoint, high levels of body fat are often associated with greater degrees of globalized inflammation, affecting everything from the quality of digestion to sleep and cortisol output—each of which have a profound impact upon recovery. RELATED: Fat Loss Program Design for the Modern Athlete As illustrated most recently in my article ',' any program can be fine-tuned to more effectively target/enhance specific sports performance qualities by manipulating a mixture of training variables—including exercise selection, sets and reps selection, resistance levels, time under tension, recovery time and overall training volume and frequency.
Taking this concept a step further, periodization—which I describe as akin to a cooking recipe or game plan—is the process by which the training variables are arranged to maximize a particular athletic quality (e.g., power, max strength, etc.) while minimizing the interference effect encountered when trying to train lots of desired athletic attributes all together. Just as some coaches are fond of the expression 'You can't sit on two horses with one butt,' the overriding sentiment is that less is better when it comes to selecting and improving a number of training/athletic qualities at any given time. This is why some more popular periodization approaches, including block periodization and alternating linear periodization, can be so successful for coaches: because they target few training adaptations at once, yet still allow athletes to actively maintain other training qualities at the same time. Now that the benefits of fat loss from an athletic standpoint and the necessity of a periodized training plan have been mentioned, it is possible to fully appreciate the benefits of German Body-Composition Training. Faithful STACK readers are no doubt familiar with, the training methodology created by world famous Strength Coach Charles Poliquin. GVT is as effective as it is simple: The reason why athletes are able to put on serious muscle with it, is that, similar to the science employed in the triple squat challenge, German Volume Training employs the law of repeated efforts to target a large number of motor units in working muscle.
Crack software free download. As a consequence of such targeted and direct training stress to specific working muscle groups (e.g., extremely high training volume and moderate loads combined with maximal time under tension), the body's anabolic or muscle-building response to the session is heightened, leading to significant muscle mass gains. However, unlike TSC, GVT has even more overall training volume, which enhances the body's hypertrophy/muscle-building responses to training, such that even more growth hormone is released when compared to TSC. Although there is no such thing as the perfect program, one that enhances all athletic qualities in equal measure, most coaches and athletes would agree that any program that allows athletes to shed significant body fat and build muscle at the same time would be worth its weight in gold.
Now enter German Body Composition Training, the muscle-building and fat-burning powerhouse that is an essential program in any athlete's annual training plan. Like German Volume Training, German Body Composition Training employs the same high levels of concentrated training volumes and time under tension to maximize lean muscle gains. The key differentiator is that GBC uses a greater number of exercises than GVT. Additionally, variable rep ranges tend to be employed with GBC (e.g., 8-12 reps in most cases) as opposed to GVT, which employs the strict 10x10 format.
To illustrate, a sample GVT workout could like the following: Sample. A1) Narrow-Grip Bench Press - 10 x 10 (4/0/X/0 Tempo) w/ 30 sec rest between sets. A2) Chin-Ups - 10 x 10 (4/0/X/0 Tempo) w/ 30 sec rest between sets.