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Abstract Title: Linking composition, deformation, and P-T conditions using peridotite xenoliths from the subcratonic mantle lithosphere, Wyoming craton, Montana, USA, Abstract Title: Thick, Cold and Dry Roots: the Key to Longevity of Continental Arc Lithosphere?, Abstract Title: Parameterized Lattice Strain Models for REE Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melt, Abstract Title: The Oxidation State of Fe in Glasses from the Galapagos Archipelago: Variable Oxygen Fugacity as a Function of Mantle Source. Abstract Title: A Model for Local Experiential Learning: Workshop on Mangroves, Oceans & Climate in Kosrae, Abstract Title: Isotopic Controls of Rainwater and Water Vapor on Mangrove Leaf Water and Lipid Biomarkers, Abstract Title: Modern Spatial Rainfall Rate is well Correlated with Coretop δ 2H dinosterol in the South Pacific Convergence Zone: A Tool for Quantitative Reconstructions of Rainfall Rate, Abstract Title: Determining the Effect of Growth Rate on Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation of Algal Lipids in Two North Pacific Sites. Abstract Title: Interseismic Crustal Deformation in and around the Atotsugawa Fault System, Central Japan, Detected by InSAR and GNSS, Abstract Title: Modeling the evolution of the lower crust with laboratory derived rheological laws under an intraplate strike slip fault, Abstract Title: Crustal deformation around the Kamishiro fault, northern Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line and its relation to the 2014 Northern Nagano earthquake (Mw6.3), Abstract Title: Persistent Aseismic Deformation in Central Japan Revealed by GPS Observation Before and After the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake. Abstract Title: Data Assimilation and Inverse Modeling for Atmospheric Composition Applications I, Abstract Title: Data Assimilation and Inverse Modeling for Atmospheric Composition Applications II Posters, Abstract Title: Rim Fire and its Radiative impact Simulated in CESM/CARMA, Abstract Title: Exploring links between biomass burning smoke and tornado likelihood: From regional to large-eddy scale simulations, Abstract Title: The “APEC Blue” Phenomenon: Impacts of Regional emission control,Meteorology Condition and Regional Transport from a Modeling Perspective. Abstract Title: Formaldehyde in the Tropical Western Pacific: Evaluation of model chemistry and emissions with in situ observations, Abstract Title: Representation of the Bi-modal Distribution of Free Tropospheric Ozone Over the Tropical Western Pacific in CAM-CHEM, Abstract Title: The impact of ClNO 2 production on tropospheric nitrogen oxides and oxidants in a global model, Abstract Title: Viable Particles from Iodine Compounds in the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone, Abstract Title: The Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA): A Suite of Environmental Sensors for the Mars 2020 Rover. Abstract Title: Production of Excess CO 2 relative to methane in peatlands: a new H 2 sink, Abstract Title: Large-Scale Forest Die-off in Temperate versus Tropical Regions: Comparison of Local and Global Climate Effects, Abstract Title: Linking Sediment Microbial Communities to Carbon Cycling in High-Latitude Lakes, Abstract Title: Interpreting chlorophyll fluorescence signals: the effects of leaf age, Abstract Title: What Controls the Net Forest-Atmosphere Exchange of Carbonyl Sulfide? Abstract Title: Mathematical Modelling of Melt Lake Formation On An Ice Shelf, Abstract Title: Ice Microstructures and Deformation Behavior: On Earth and Beyond I Posters, Abstract Title: Sea Ice Friction: The Effect of Ice Rubble, Abstract Title: Micromechanics of ice friction, Abstract Title: Ice Microstructures and Deformation Behavior: On Earth and Beyond II, Abstract Title: Are Earthquakes Predictable?
A Study on Magnitude Correlations in Earthquake Catalog and Experimental Data, Abstract Title: Coulomb stress changes over a 660-year period in central Italy: Implications for understanding fault interactions and earthquake occurrence, Abstract Title: Silicic Magma Degassing: A High Temperature Experimental Insight into Permeability Evolution. Abstract Title: U-Pb Geochronology: Taking or Creating the Pulse of Magmatic Systems?, Abstract Title: Resolving Process through Geochronology: New Techniques, Applications, and Interpretations I, Abstract Title: Resolving Process through Geochronology: New Techniques, Applications, and Interpretations II, Abstract Title: Resolving Process through Geochronology: New Techniques, Applications, and Interpretations III Posters, Abstract Title: How to build a mid-crustal intrusive suite: geologic mapping, U-Pb geo-/thermochronology, and thermal modeling of the Bergell Intrusion, Central Alps. Abstract Title: Flash-Bang Detector to Model the Attenuation of High-Energy Photons, Abstract Title: Observations of global-scale coherence of radiation-belt electron loss caused by ULF wave modulation of the magnetosphere, Abstract Title: Characterizing radiation belt electron precipitation losses using BARREL (Balloon Array for RBSP Relativistic Electron Losses) data., Abstract Title: The Cause of the Hardest Electron Precipitation Events Seen by SAMPEX: a Statistical Survey of Circumstantial Evidence. Abstract Title: Climate change influences on the annual onset of Lyme disease in the United States, Abstract Title: Continental river routing model for water resources applications, Abstract Title: Operational, hyper-resolution hydrologic modeling over the contiguous U.S. Using themulti-scale, multi-physics WRF-Hydro Modeling and Data Assimilation System., Abstract Title: Hydrologic Modeling at the National Water Center: Operational Implementation of the WRF-Hydro Model to support National Weather Service Hydrology. Abstract Title: Making Coastal Flood Hazard Maps to Support Decision-Making - What End Users Want, Abstract Title: Coproduction of flood hazard assessment with public participation geographic information system, Abstract Title: Sea-level Rise Increases the Frequency of Nuisance Flooding in Coastal Regions, Abstract Title: Communicating Flood Risk with Street-Level Data, Abstract Title: Flood Risk Analysis Using Non-Stationary Models: Application to 1500 Records and Assessment of Predictive Ability. Abstract Title: Drought, Groundwater Management, and Long-Term Groundwater Sustainability in the Western United States: Assessment, Monitoring, Modeling, Planning, Management, and Policy I, Abstract Title: Drought, Groundwater Management, and Long-Term Groundwater Sustainability in the Western United States: Assessment, Monitoring, Modeling, Planning, Management, and Policy II Posters, Abstract Title: Hydrological WEAP Modeling of the Upper Basin of the Apurimac River Basin, in Peru.
An Assessment of Available Water Resources and Supply, Abstract Title: Revealing the diversity of hydro-geomorphic settings in a Dry Summer Subtropical region with DEM-based modeling. Abstract Title: Observation of Very High Passive Mode Thermal Neutron Counts by the MSL DAN Instrument at Marias Pass in Gale Crater, Abstract Title: How LEND sees the water on the Moon: the recent findings, Abstract Title: Monitoring of anomalous water distribution by DAN/MSL during first U-turn observational campaign at Marias Pass area in Gale Crater, Abstract Title: Regional and Latitude Variability in Diurnally Modulated Neutron Flux Measured by LRO/LEND, Abstract Title: Simultaneous Measurements of Neutron Environment at Mars from Orbit (Mars Odyssey HEND) and from the Surface (MSL DAN).

Abstract Title: Carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of PM 2.5 at a periurban Mt. Taehwa near Seoul and over the Yellow Sea, Abstract Title: Spatial and Temporal Variations of EC and OC Aerosol Combustion Sources in a Polluted Metropolitan Area, Abstract Title: Phytolith-Occluded Carbon Pools and Fluxes: New Estimates, Abstract Title: Assessing the Age of Particulate Organic Matter Exported from a Temperate Rainforest Catchment of the North American Pacific Coast, Abstract Title: Central Tropical Pacific Corals Reveal Reduced ENSO Variability 3-5kyBP. Abstract Title: New Insights on Nutrient Sources and Biogeochemical Processes in Surface Waters as Revealed by Advanced Techniques and In Situ Optical Sensors I Posters, Abstract Title: Contrasting dissolved organic carbon dynamics at two forested catchments interpreted from high-frequency optical sensor measurements, Abstract Title: Comparing Stream DOC Fluxes from Sensor- and Sample-Based Approaches, Abstract Title: New Insights on Nutrient Sources and Biogeochemical Processes in Surface Waters as Revealed by Advanced Techniques and In Situ Optical Sensors II. Abstract Title: Comparison of N 2O fluxes measured using flux-gradient, eddy-covariance, and chamber methods from an agricultural site, Abstract Title: A Novel Low-Power, High-Performance, Zero-Maintenance Closed-Path Trace Gas Eddy Covariance System with No Water Vapor Dilution or Spectroscopic Corrections, Abstract Title: Field Performance Verification of Carbon Dioxide, Water, and Nitrous Oxide Closed-Path Eddy Covariance Systems with Vortex Intakes, Abstract Title: Performance Evaluation of a New, Tunable-Diode Laser Trace-Gas Analyzer for Isotope Ratios of Carbon Dioxide.
Abstract Title: Modeling Magnetic Flux-Ropes Structures, Abstract Title: Evolution of Solar Wind Transients through the Heliosphere and Associated Space Weather Effects I, Abstract Title: Evolution of Solar Wind Transients through the Heliosphere and Associated Space Weather Effects II Posters, Abstract Title: Determining the significance of CME evolutionary effects during interplanetary propagation for Bz forecasting, Abstract Title: Simplified solutions to predicting the magnetic vectors within CMEs. Abstract Title: A Numerical Model of Deuterium and Oxygen-18 Diffusion in the Confined Lower Wilcox Aquifer of the Lower Mississippi Valley (USA), Abstract Title: Impact of Spatial Permeability Distribution Characteristics on Hyporheic Flow Using a Physical System and Simulations, Abstract Title: Nitrogen removal and production within transient storage zones in a freshwater tidal environment, Delaware, U.S.A., Abstract Title: A tale of two interfaces: Dynamic nitrate removal in the hyporheic zone of a tidal fresh river. Abstract Title: Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences: A Multidisciplinary and Integrative Approach I, Abstract Title: Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences: A Multidisciplinary and Integrative Approach II Posters, Abstract Title: Links and Feedbacks between Salt Diapirs, Hydrates, and Submarine Landslides: Example from Cape Fear, offshore North Carolina, U.S.A., Abstract Title: Non-destructive X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) Analysis of Sediment Variance in Marine Cores, Abstract Title: Gas migration in the Terrebonne Basin gas hydrate system, Gulf of Mexico. Abstract Title: Geodynamic Drivers of Vertical Crustal Motion: Integrating Paleoaltimetry with Basin Development in the Central Andean Plateau of Southern Peru, Abstract Title: Quantifying comparison of large detrital geochronology data sets, Abstract Title: Coarse Grain Progradation in a Foreland basin: Application of Detrital Zircon Double Dating to Cenozoic Stratigraphy, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia., Abstract Title: Discriminating Sediment Supply Versus Accommodation Controls on Late Cretaceous Foreland Basin Stratigraphic Architecture in the Book Cliffs, Central Utah Using Double Dating. Abstract Title: Measuring Changes in the Vicinity of the Seal Nunataks Ice Shelf Remnant from Imagery and Altimetry, Abstract Title: Is the Wilkins Ice Shelf a Firn Aquifer?
. Ghannoum, M. A.; Chaturvedi, V.; Espinel-Ingroff, A.; Pfaller, M.
A.; Rinaldi, M. G.; Lee-Yang, W.; Warnock, D. 2004-01-01 The National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) M38-A standard for the susceptibility testing of conidium-forming filamentous fungi does not explicitly address the testing of dermatophytes.
This multicenter study, involving six laboratories, investigated the MIC reproducibility of seven antifungal agents tested against 25 dermatophyte isolates (5 blinded pairs of five dermatophyte species per site for a total of 300 tests), using the method of dermatophyte testing developed at the Center for Medical Mycology, Cleveland, Ohio. The dermatophytes tested included Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton tonsurans, Epidermophyton floccosum, and Microsporum canis. Blood bowl star player cards pdf.
Seven antifungals with activity against dermatophytes were tested, including ciclopirox, fluconazole, griseofulvin, itraconazole, posaconazole, terbinafine, and voriconazole. Interlaboratory MICs for all isolates were in 92 to 100% agreement at a visual endpoint reading of 50% inhibition as compared to the growth control and 88 to 99% agreement at a visual endpoint reading of 80% inhibition as compared to the growth control. Intralaboratory MICs between blinded pairs were in 97% agreement at a visual endpoint reading of 50% inhibition as compared to the growth control and 96% agreement at a visual endpoint reading of 80% inhibition as compared to the growth control. Data from this study support consideration of this method as an amendment to the NCCLS M38-A standard for the testing of dermatophytes. PMID:15243047. Stupnisky, R. H.; Weaver-Hightower, M.
B.; Kartoshkina, Y. 2015-01-01 The purpose of this mixed methods study was to investigate and test the factors contributing to new faculty members' success.
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In the first phase, qualitative analysis of focus groups revealed four prominent themes affecting new faculty members: expectations, collegiality, balance, and location. In the second phase, new faculty members completed an. Stupnisky, R. H.; Weaver-Hightower, M. B.; Kartoshkina, Y. 2015-01-01 The purpose of this mixed methods study was to investigate and test the factors contributing to new faculty members' success.
In the first phase, qualitative analysis of focus groups revealed four prominent themes affecting new faculty members: expectations, collegiality, balance, and location. In the second phase, new faculty members completed an. Min, Qing-xu; Zhu, Jun-zhen; Feng, Fu-zhou; Xu, Chao; Sun, Ji-wei 2017-06-01 In this paper, the lock-in vibrothermography (LVT) is utilized for defect detection. Specifically, for a metal plate with an artificial fatigue crack, the temperature rise of the defective area is used for analyzing the influence of different test conditions, i.e. Engagement force, excitation intensity, and modulated frequency. The multivariate nonlinear and logistic regression models are employed to estimate the POD (probability of detection) and POA (probability of alarm) of fatigue crack, respectively.
The resulting optimal selection of test conditions is presented. The study aims to provide an optimized selection method of the test conditions in the vibrothermography system with the enhanced detection ability. Tomasino, Stephen F; Hamilton, Martin A 2006-01-01 In an effort to improve AOAC Method 966.04, the Sporicidal Activity of Disinfectants Test, selected modifications to the procedure were evaluated in a collaborative study. Method 966.04 is used to generate efficacy data to support the product registration of sporicides and sterilants. The method is a carrier-based test that provides a qualitative measure of product efficacy against spores of Bacillus subtilis and Clostridium sporogenes.
The use of garden soil extract and the lack of standard procedures for the enumeration of spores and neutralization of the test chemicals have been considered problematic for many years. The proposed modifications were limited to the B. Subtilis and hard surface carrier (porcelain penicylinder) components of the method. The study included the evaluation of a replacement for soil extract nutrient broth and an establishment of a minimum spore titer per carrier, both considered crucial for the improvement and utilization of the method. Additionally, an alternative hard surface material and a neutralization confirmation procedure were evaluated. To determine the equivalence of the proposed alternatives to the standard method, 3 medium/carrier combinations, (1) soil extract nutrient broth/porcelain carrier (current method), (2) nutrient agar amended with 5 microg/mL manganese sulfate/porcelain carrier, and (3) nutrient agar amended with 5 microg/mL manganese sulfate/stainless steel carrier were analyzed for carrier counts, HCI resistance, efficacy, quantitative efficacy, and spore wash-off. The test chemicals used in the study represent 3 chemical classes and are commercially available antimicrobial liquid products: sodium hypochlorite (bleach), glutaraldehyde, and a combination of peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide.
Four laboratories participated in the study. The results of the spore titer per carrier, HCI resistance, efficacy, and wash-off studies demonstrate that amended nutrient agar in conjunction with the porcelain is comparable. Gayman, W. 1974-01-01 Test method and apparatus determine fluid effective mass and damping in frequency range where effective mass may be considered as total mass less sum of slosh masses. Apparatus is designed so test tank and its mounting yoke are supported from structural test wall by series of flexures. Seeber, F 1939-01-01 After a brief survey of the commonly used single-value test methods, the importance of the determination of the incipient knock for the octane number is discussed and improvements suggested for the knock testing in the CFR engine. The DVL supercharge test method with its superiority of direct determination of fuel knock in each single cylinder of an airplane engine without involving structural changes, is described and the advantages of a multiple-value method enumerated.
A diagrammatic presentation of the knock characteristics is presented. Harrowing, Jean N; Edwards, Nancy; Richter, Solina; Minnie, Karin; Rae, Tania 2017-07-24 Nurses in Jamaica, Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda are at risk for occupational exposure to HIV.
Little is known about the experiences and policy supports related to nurses having themselves tested for the virus. This article reports a mixed- methods study about contextual influences on nurses' decision-making about HIV testing.
Individual and focus group interviews, as well as a questionnaire on workplace polices and quality assurance and a human resource management assessment tool provided data. Fear of a positive diagnosis and stigma and lack of confidentiality along with gaps in the policy environment contributed to indecision about testing. There were significant differences in policy supports among countries. Institutional support must be addressed if improvements in HIV testing for health care workers are going to be effectively implemented. Future work is required to better understand how HRM policies intersect to create conditions of perceived vulnerability for HIV positive staff. Zhang, Xiang; Yang, Min; Hu, Juan; Li, Fuchao; Luo, Ruixi; Li, Jinsong; Ai, Bing 2017-03-01 Nowadays, the test methods of digital metering system in smart substation are used to test and evaluate the performance of a single device, but these methods can only effectively guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the measurement results of a digital metering device in a single run, it does not completely reflect the performance when each device constitutes a complete system. This paper introduced the shortages of the existing test methods.
A system-level test method of digital metering in smart substation was proposed, and the feasibility of the method was proved by the actual test. Jones, Michael G.; Watson, Willie R.; Howerton, Brian M.; Busse-Gerstengarbe, Stefan 2013-01-01 A number of methods have been developed at NASA Langley Research Center for eduction of the acoustic impedance of sound-absorbing liners mounted in the wall of a flow duct. This investigation uses methods based on the Pridmore-Brown and convected Helmholtz equations to study the acoustic behavior of a single-layer, conventional liner fabricated by the German Aerospace Center and tested in the NASA Langley Grazing Flow Impedance Tube. Two key assumptions are explored in this portion of the investigation. First, a comparison of results achieved with uniform-flow and shear-flow impedance eduction methods is considered.
Also, an approach based on the Prony method is used to extend these methods from single-mode to multi-mode implementations. Finally, a detailed investigation into the effects of harmonic distortion on the educed impedance is performed, and the results are used to develop guidelines regarding acceptable levels of harmonic distortion. Bement, Laurence J.; Schimmel, Morry L.
1990-01-01 To determine functional performance of initiating devices, the NASA's Langley Research Center's novel ignitability research on percussion primers has been expanded in 1989 to include measurements of function time, the evaluation of six primer lots (five types), and the determination of the effects of the military cold-temperature requirement of -65 F and primer output closure disks. This test method, a major improvement over the prior primer output test methods, fully met all objectives, while showing a significant amount of ignition variability.
Schafer, D R 1983-12-01 This guide to uniformity in testing is intended primarily as an aid to persons responsible for designing, developing, and performing environmental tests. It will also be of use to those concerned with production, evaluation, and quality control and assurance. Checklists for preparing the environmental testing portion of product specifications are included, as are copies of Process Standards covering the instrumentation, equipment, and methods for use in environmental testing of Sandia National Laboratories components. Techniques and equipment are constantly improving. This version of SC-4452 reflects current state-of-the-art and practice in environmental testing. Previously existing sections of the document have ben updated and new ones have been added, e.g., Transient Testing on Vibration Machines. Xu, Yongxiang; Han, Jianmin; Lin, Hong; An, Linan 2015-01-01 Clinically, fractures are the main cause of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) 3 mol%-yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP) all-ceramic dental restorations failure because of repetitive occlusal loading.
The goal of this work is to study the effect of test methods and specimen’s size on the flexural strength of five ceramic products. Both bi-axial flexure test (BI) and uni-axial flexure tests (UNI), including three-point flexure test (3PF) and four-point flexure test (4PF), are used in this study. For all five products, the flexural strength is as follows: BI 3PF 4PF. Furthermore, specimens with smaller size (3PF-s) have higher values than the bigger ones (3PF). The difference between BI and UNI resulted from the edge flaws in ceramic specimens. The relationship between different UNI (including 3PF-s, 3PF and 4PF) can be explained according to Weibull statistical fracture theory.
BI is recommended to evaluate the flexural strength of CAD/CAM Y-TZP dental ceramics. PMID:26816646.
Liao, Gaohua; Wu, Jianzhong 2017-07-01 In this paper, the load calculation method of the fatigue test was studied for the wind turbine blade under uniaxial loading. The characteristics of wind load and blade equivalent load were analyzed. The fatigue property and damage theory of blade material were studied. The fatigue load for 2MW blade was calculated by Bladed, and the stress calculated by ANSYS. Goodman modified exponential function S-N curve and linear cumulative damage rule were used to calculate the fatigue load of wind turbine blades.
It lays the foundation for the design and experiment of wind turbine blade fatigue loading system. Kar, Anukul C; Sharma, Reetu; Panda, Bimal K; Singh, Virendra P 2012-07-01 Taila Bindu Pariksha, an ancient method of urine examination for ascertaining the prognosis of diseases, was very popular in the medieval period, the use of which became obsolete after 17(th) Century AD.
Technique of this test is very crude and there are chances of variations in the observations. To revive this technique, it is necessary that the methodology of this test should be standardized so that the observations could be reproducible. To standardize the technique, apparently healthy volunteers were selected and various parameters were standardized for doing this test, i.e., shape and size of Patra ( testing containers), volume of the urine, size of the oil drop, height of the oil drop from the surface of urine, variety of sesame oil, etc., Based on the literature, the parameters were changed one by one and observations were noted down. The whole method was recorded in the form of video clips for proper evaluation. The parameters standardized on the basis of observations can be considered as standard to be referred in future studies. Kar, Anukul C.; Sharma, Reetu; Panda, Bimal K.; Singh, Virendra P. 2012-01-01 Taila Bindu Pariksha, an ancient method of urine examination for ascertaining the prognosis of diseases, was very popular in the medieval period, the use of which became obsolete after 17th Century AD.
Technique of this test is very crude and there are chances of variations in the observations. To revive this technique, it is necessary that the methodology of this test should be standardized so that the observations could be reproducible.
To standardize the technique, apparently healthy volunteers were selected and various parameters were standardized for doing this test, i.e., shape and size of Patra ( testing containers), volume of the urine, size of the oil drop, height of the oil drop from the surface of urine, variety of sesame oil, etc., Based on the literature, the parameters were changed one by one and observations were noted down. The whole method was recorded in the form of video clips for proper evaluation. The parameters standardized on the basis of observations can be considered as standard to be referred in future studies. PMID:23723648. Gross, Alden L.; Power, Melinda C.; Albert, Marilyn S.; Deal, Jennifer A.; Gottesman, Rebecca F.; Griswold, Michael; Wruck, Lisa M.; Mosley, Thomas H.; Coresh, Josef; Sharrett, A. Richey; Bandeen-Roche, Karen 2016-01-01 Background The way a construct is measured can differ across cohort study visits, complicating longitudinal comparisons. We demonstrated the use of factor analysis to link differing cognitive test batteries over visits to common metrics representing general cognitive performance, memory, executive functioning, and language.
Methods We used data from three visits (over 26 years) of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Neurocognitive Study (ARIC-NCS) (N=14,252). We allowed individual tests to contribute information differentially by race, an important factor to consider in cognitive aging. Using generalized estimating equations, we compared associations of diabetes with cognitive change using general and domain-specific factor scores vs. Averages of equally weighted standardized test scores. Results Factor scores provided stronger associations with diabetes at the expense of greater variability around estimates (e.g., for general cognitive performance, −0.064 SD units/year, SE=0.015, vs −0.041 SD units/year, SE=0.014), which is consistent with the notion that factor scores more explicitly address error in measuring assessed traits than averages of standardized tests. Conclusions Factor analysis facilitates use of all available data when measures change over time, and further, it allows objective evaluation and correction for differential item functioning.
PMID:26414855. Fujiwara, Yuu; Sakai, Toshinori Ground anchors (hereinafter anchors) are important to do the maintenance after construction.
Residual tensile strength of anchors are generally confirmed by lift-off test that pulls an anchor using a hydraulic jack. However, the lift-off test has not been established a proper testing method. Therefore, it may not have been proper maintenance from measurement variability. In this paper, we conducted various lift-off test at cut slope of the expressway, and made proposals on proper lift-off test method. Ong, Sandy Y; Wain, Adrian; Groombridge, Linda; Grimes, Eileen 2012-06-01 Forensic scientists may sometimes be asked to identify the presence of urine in cases such as harassment, rape or murder. One popular presumptive test method uses para-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde (DMAC), favoured because it is simple, rapid and safe. This paper confirms that DMAC reacts with urea rather than creatinine, ammonia or uric acid.
Sensitivity studies found that the 0.1% w/v DMAC solution currently used for urine identification detects levels of urea found in other body fluids, potentially resulting in false positives. A 0.05% w/v solution was found to be more appropriate in terms of sensitivity to urea however the test is still not specific for urine, giving positive reactions with a number of body fluids (saliva, semen, sweat and vaginal material) and other substances (foot lotion, hair removal cream and broccoli). Copyright © 2011 Forensic Science Society. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
All rights reserved. Meng, Xiaohui; Dong, Huiwen; Guo, Wen; Wang, Huijun 2014-08-01 There are numerous reflecting optical system designs that call for large-aperture convex surfaces, such as secondary mirror in on-axis three mirror anastigmatic (TMA). Several methods to test high accuracy hyperboloid convex surfaces are introduced separately in this paper. A kind of arrangement is chosen to test a surface with diameter of 420mm, radius of 1371mm, and conic K -2.1229.
The CGH compensator for testing is designed, which is made up of illumination lens and hologram test plate with designed residual wavefront aberration less than 0.001λ (RMS). The second transmitted method that is equipped with a technical flat surface coating by Ag film in the bottom of surface mirror under test, which form an auto-collimation optical system to eliminate the aberration.
The Hindle-Simpson test that requires a larger meniscus lens to compensate the optical aberration, and the designed result of optical test system is less than 0.0016λ. Contrasting the CGH compensator and the second transmitted method, the Hindle-Simpson testing method has the advantage of it is easily to manufacture and adjust; meanwhile the test result is stable and has been less affected by the environment. It has been found that the method is rational and reliable, and it can fulfill the requirement of manufacturing and testing process for hyperboloid convex mirrors. Nonhoff, J; Moest, T; Schmitt, Christian Martin; Weisel, T; Bauer, S; Schlegel, K A 2015-12-01 The animal study aims to evaluate a new experimental model for measuring sole the influence of the surface characteristics independent from implant macro-design on the level of osseointegration by registering the pull-out strength needed for removal of experimental devices with different surfaces from artificial defects.
Seventy-two test bodies (36 with the FRIADENT(®) plus surface, 36 with the P15/HAp biofunctionalized surface) were inserted in six adult domestic pigs with artificial calvarial defects. The experimental devices were designed to fit in the defects leaving a gap between the test body and the local bone. After 21 days of healing, the animals were sacrificed and the test bodies were pulled out with a standardised reproducible pull-out device measuring the pull-out strength. The pull-out strength for both groups was compared. Twenty-one days after insertion a mean force of 412 ± 142 N for the P15/HAp group and 183 ± 105 N for the FRIADENT(®) plus group was measured for the removal of the specimens from the calvarial bone. The difference between the groups was statistically significant (p.