El Libro De Dzyan Pdf Writer
Allowing ourselves some examples, we will try to explain two Nahuatl words applying to some parts of the costume of the followers of Quetzalcoatl: “They wore,” said Father D. Duran, “long dresses that came down to the feet and which the Indians called xicolli.” If we review the plate in the Album 4 representing these dresses, we see that they were sleeveless and matched the cuculla, which is especially used by the Irish and our own religious in the Middle Ages, and which is also called the casula. Papias even claims that cuculla is a diminutive of the casula. Although this etymology is not correct, synonymy cannot be challenged, and this perhaps explains the form of the corresponding Nahuatl word. Following a confusion of two terms which have the same meaning, the Mexican followers of Quetzalcoatl took the first syllable of one ( chasuble in French) and the rest of the other ( coule in old French); and made a hybrid, caculla (which was pronounced chacoule), from which their successors made xicolli (pronounced chicolli).
This derivation is quite debatable, and it is based primarily on a fact that is quite general and well known: A people, in adopting a garment or a foreign object, also borrow the original name. Let us continue our review of European terms that appear in Nahuatl.
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Book Of Dzyan Pdf
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Book Of Dzyan

(LogOut/Change) You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Death Road March 02 - 09. Half Human Half Beast 12. I mean this is talking about a different CD or they already fix it. Reply awas ada sule says: Jul 7, 2013 at 10:32 am aaaa.
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