Drivers Select In Dallas Texas


Mid-tier luxury sedans command higher fares. See our list of eligible vehicle models below. Additional requirements. Leather or vinyl interior with no tears. Seat at least 4 passengers in addition to the driver. Working windows and air conditioning.

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  2. Drivers Select In Dallas Tx
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Drivers Select In Dallas

No full-sized vans or trucks. No taxi cabs, government cars, or other marked vehicles. No salvaged or rebuilt vehicles. 4.75+ driver rating, 50+ lifetime trips Car model year 2009 or newer, unless stated differently in eligible vehicle model list.

Eligible vehicle models. Offer luxury rides in the original Uber black car service. White gloves optional.

Additional requirements. Commercial insurance. Current registration. City of Dallas driver permit.

Drivers Select In Dallas Texas

City of Dallas vehicle permit. DFW Airport permit (if picking up at DFW). Model year 2012 or newer. Black exteriors in excellent condition. Black leather or vinyl interiors with no tears.

Seats for at least 4 riders in addition to the driver Vehicles classified as UberBLACK have the ability to receive X, SELECT, and BLACK requests ELIGIBLE VEHICLE MODELS. Make room for the whole crew with this high-end vehicle service. Only black SUVs qualify. Additional requirements. Commercial insurance.

Drivers Select In Dallas Tx


Current registration. City of Dallas driver permit.

Drivers Select Locations

City of Dallas vehicle permit. DFW Airport permit (if picking up at DFW). Model year 2012 or newer. Seats for 6 passengers plus luggage. Black exteriors in excellent condition.

Black leather or vinyl interiors with no tears Vehicles classified as UberSUV have the ability to receive X, XL, SELECT, BLACK, and SUV requests ELIGIBLE VEHICLE MODELS.