Telecharger Patch Pes 2012
Notes: - For No Problems you must install PESEDIT 4.1 First & after Install This patch. 2nd Division Must be: Bundesliga 2 - Game Language: English Download Links: Password: micano4u How to install: 1- Download PESEDIT 4.1 Patch & install it from 'Installer 4.1.exe' in PES 2012 Folder. 2- Download Next Season Patch & copy 'kitserver & img folder' to PES 2012 Folder. 3- Copy 'KONAMI' Folder To My Documents.& Enjoy the New Patch ^^ Credits: Luca19 MaistroO.o PESEDIT THNX For Facemaker: MIZO 199 YOUO KIMO T.L.B 19 Luca 19.
Telecharger Patch Pes 2012 Tunisie
Be sure to install the patch without any error masseges - be sure that antivirus is not bloking the new exe, be sure that the exe is installed without problems - it might be required to run the game as admin - to get the new MAX GP points delete your option.bin file from the save folder BEFORE installing the full patch - run the 2D installer from the correct shortcut (SMoKE 2D installer) not (gold 2D installer) - if you installed 4.7.2 and you still have problems with your save send it to technical support. Anonymous coki here.i love this patches!! Thanks 4 changing ibrahimovic's hair.
Just advice for next patches: -tatoo on fabregas's arms it's just on the righ not on both of them.tatoo on both arms dani alves please.about hair on ballotelli and dzeko change it to the newest please.benzema faces,please make it more grown ups,coz i feels like he's still like teenagers.or just my own imagination? -and the last is about jersey,could you add more than home and away jersey,like alternate jersey or retro jersey? That's all sorry if it's too much,but thanks before (^^)v. Anonymous Dido, i just want to ask u about the chance of the fate of winning game in PES is controlled by specified programs itself?can it be fixed?i just want it to be a fair other words,the better side will wins!for example,i used Real Madrid vs Barcelona(my brother).sometimes,i feel that easy to win,but somehow with the same team, i have 'no luck' or just easily beaten with a flop goal,own goal etc.
Why this happens? In every PES edition each year, i found this matter always happened.:( pls help TQ! Anonymous Hi Smoke, i have used in the last years the follow Patch: Pes Edit Patch or PESVN Patch This Year, i want Test your Patch!! I have some questions, please tell me shortly an aswer, thanks! When do you release an update?? (with new transfers and change some things, bugs and so on.) with your patch is a gameplay patch including??
Or have we using a gameplaypatch like from jenkey?? It is possible, to play the game with 'high quality.exe' or 'extreme high quality.exe' file?? Like jenkeys pesvn patch Please tell me this some Infos. Thanks a lot, my friend. Greetings from Germany!!! Anonymous dido, please for incoming 4.8.1 update version make it integrated again with new jenkey gameplay tools(v6.4.4).
I need stamford bridge again. I'm try using it manually the game seems hang in v4.8(without crashing the game or pop-up windows error message) next, what tools you are using to update the kits? I need to customize the font color of chelsea kit in the back, supposed its in gold.
Telecharger Patch Pes 2012

Any idea dido? But in incoming version u can do it for me or others its kind of big pleasure to me.:).