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. RabbitCore RCM3700 C-Programmable Core Module with Ethernet, Serial Flash, and Enhanced Software User’s Manual 019–0136L.
Rabbit, RabbitCore, and Dynamic C are registered trademarks of Digi International Inc. Rabbit 3000 is a trademark of Digi International Inc. The latest revision of this manual is available on the Rabbit Web site, www.rabbit.com, for free, unregistered download. Rabbit Semiconductor Inc. 3.2.1 Use of Serial Flash.19 3.2.2 Serial Communication.19 3.2.3 A/D Converter Inputs.22 Chapter 4. Hardware Reference 4.1 RCM3700 Digital Inputs and Outputs.26 4.1.1 Memory I/O Interface.30 4.1.2 Other Inputs and Outputs.30 4.2 Serial Communication.31 4.2.1 Serial Ports.31 4.2.2 Ethernet Port.32. B.1 RCM3700 Prototyping Board.91 B.1.1 Features.92 B.1.2 Mechanical Dimensions and Layout.94 B.1.3 Power Supply.95 B.1.4 Using the RCM3700 Prototyping Board.96 B.1.4.1 Adding Other Components.97 B.1.5 Analog Features.98 B.1.5.1 A/D Converter Inputs.98 B.1.5.2 Thermistor Input.100 B.1.5.3 Other A/D Converter Features.
B.1.6.1 RS-232.104 B.1.6.2 RS-485.105 B.1.7 Other Prototyping Board Modules.107 B.1.8 Jumper Configurations.108 B.1.9 Use of Rabbit 3000 Parallel Ports.110 B.2 RCM3720 Prototyping Board.112 B.2.1 Features.113 B.2.2 Mechanical Dimensions and Layout.114 B.2.3 Power Supply.115. (main oscillator and real-time clock), and the circuitry necessary for reset and management of battery backup of the Rabbit 3000’s internal real-time clock and the static RAM. One 40-pin header brings out the Rabbit 3000 I/O bus lines, parallel ports, and serial ports. HDLC serial port at the expense of 2 clocked serial ports (SPI) The RCM3700 is programmed over a standard PC serial port through a programming cable supplied with the Development Kit or the Ethernet Connection Kit, and can also be pro- gramed through a USB port with an RS-232/USB converter or over an Ethernet with the RabbitLink (both available from Rabbit). Easy C-language program development and debugging.
Rabbit Field Utility to download compiled Dynamic C.bin files, and cloning board options for rapid production loading of programs. Generous memory size allows large programs with tens of thousands of lines of code, and substantial data storage. 33 I/O lines. These Getting Started instructions included with the Development Kit will help you get your RCM3700 up and running so that you can run the sample programs to explore its capabilities and develop your own applications. 1.3.2 Software The RCM3700 is programmed using version 8.11 or later of Dynamic C. 9.60 includes the popular µC/OS-II real-time operating system, point-to-point protocol (PPP), FAT file system, RabbitWeb, and other select libraries that were previously sold as indid- ual Dynamic C modules.
Prototyping Board. NOTE: It is assumed that you have the RCM3700 Development Kit. If you purchased an RCM3700 module by itself, you will have to adapt the information in this chapter and elsewhere to your test and development setup. 2.2.1 Step 1 — Attach Module to Prototyping Board Turn the RCM3700 module so that the Ethernet jack is on the left as shown in Figure 2 below. Insert the module’s J1 header into the TCMSMTSOCKET socket on the Proto- typing Board. J2 on PROG the RCM3700 as shown in Figure 3. Be sure to orient the marked (usually red) edge of the cable towards pin 1 of the connector.
(Do not use the connector, which is used for a DIAG normal serial connection.). Plug in the AC adapter. The LED above the button on the Prototyping Board RESET should light up. The RCM3700 and the Prototyping Board are now ready to be used. NOTE: A RESET button is provided on the Prototyping Board to allow a hardware reset without disconnecting power.
Check that the RCM3700 is powered correctly — the red power lamp on the Prototyping Board should be lit when the RCM3700 is mounted on the Prototyping Board and the AC adapter is plugged in. Check both ends of the programming cable to ensure that they are firmly plugged into. The source code for the sample programs is provided to allow you to modify them for your own use. The RCM3700 User’s Manual also provi des complete hardware reference information and describes the software function calls for the RCM3700, the Prototyping Board, and the optional LCD/keypad module. To help familiarize you with the RCM3700 modules, Dynamic C includes several sample programs. Loading, executing and studying these programs will give you a solid hands-on overview of the RCM3700’s capabilities, as well as a quick start with Dynamic C as an application development tool. The default I/O configuration in the sample programs is based on the RabbitCore module detected during compile time:.
Any RCM3700 RabbitCore module (except the RCM3720) will have its I/O ports con- figured for an RCM3700 Prototyping Board. An RCM3720 RabbitCore module will have its I/O ports configured for an RCM3720 Prototyping Board. Board by configuring two lines to outputs and two lines as inputs on Prototyping Board header JP4. If you are using the RCM3700 Prototyping Board, install a 2 x 2 header at JP4 and con- nect pins 1–2 and pins 3–4 on header JP4 before running this sample program.

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The test packets and response packets have different codes. Once you have loaded and executed these five programs and have an understanding of how Dynamic C and the RCM3700 modules interact, you can move on and try the other sample programs, or begin building your own. This pin will also be toggled when you run RS-232 sample programs on an RCM3700 Prototyping Board.
If you plan to use this pin for something else while you are running any of the RS-232 sample programs, comment out the following line. 2 mm jumpers supplied in the Development Kit. Then connect TxC to RxE and connect RxC to TxE on the RS-232 header at J2 using the 0.1' jumpers supplied in the Development Kit as shown in the diagram. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. RCM3700 Prototyping Board.
—This program demonstrates a simple RS-485 transmission of. SIMPLE485MASTER.C lower case letters to a slave RCM3700. The slave will send back converted upper case letters back to the master RCM3700 and display them in the window. Use STDIO to program the slave RCM3700, and check to make sure that SIMPLE485SLAVE.C.
—Demonstrates how to read all single-ended A/D input channels. ADRDSEALL.C using previously defined calibration constants. Before running this program, make sure that pins 3–5 are connected on headers JP5, JP6, and JP7 on the Prototyping Board. No pins are connected on header JP8. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. File Send File Path and filename, then select the OPEN option within the dialog box.
Once the data file has been downloaded, it will indi- cate whether the calibration data were written successfully. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. —Demonstrates how to read calibrations constants from the user. UPLOADCALIB.C block in flash memory and then transmitting the file using a serial port and a PC serial utility such as Tera Term. Use to download the calibration constants DNLOADCALIB.C created by this program. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
EFERENCE Chapter 4 describes the hardware components and principal hardware subsystems of the RCM3700. Appendix A, “RCM3700 Specifica- tions,” provides complete physical and electrical specifications.
Figure 4 shows the Rabbit-based subsystems designed into the RCM3700. 11 MHz 32 kHz Ethernet. 4.1 RCM3700 Digital Inputs and Outputs Figure 5 shows the RCM3700 pinouts for header J1. PC1/PG2 PC3/PG3 /IOWR /IORD /RES VBAT +5 V Note: These pinouts are as seen on the Bottom Side of the module.
RCM3700 Pinouts standard 2 x 20 IDC header with a nominal 0.1'. Figure 6 shows the use of the Rabbit 3000 microprocessor ports in the RCM3700 modules. PB0, PB7, PA0PA7 PB2PB5 PD4PD5 Port D Port A Port B (+Ethernet Port) PE0PE1, PC0, PC2 Port C Port E ® PE4PE5, RABBIT (Serial Ports C & D). Table 2. RCM3700 Pinout Configurations Pin Name Default Use Alternate Use Notes External data bus (ID0–ID7) 1–8 PA7:0 Parallel I/O External Data Bus Slave port data bus (SD0–SD7) QD1A Input/Output CLKC QD1B Input/Output CLKD Input/Output CLKB External Address 0 Input/Output.
RCM3700 Pinout Configurations (continued) Pin Name Default Use Alternate Use Notes I/O Strobe 5 Input/Output INT1B Interrupt 1B I/O Strobe 4 Input/Output INT0B Interrupt 0B I/O Strobe 1 Input/Output INT1A Interrupt 1A I/O Strobe 0 Input/Output INT0A Interrupt 0A. 4.1.1 Memory I/O Interface The Rabbit 3000 address lines (A0–A18) and all the data lines (D0–D7) are routed inter- nally to the onboard flash memory and SRAM chips.
I/0 write (/IOWR) and I/0 read (/IORD) are available for interfacing to external devices. The RCM3700 board does not have any serial transceivers directly on the board.
How- ever, a serial interface may be incorporated on the board the RCM3700 is mounted on. For example, the Prototyping Board has RS-232, RS-485 and IrDA transceiver chips. Two LEDs are placed next to the RJ-45 Ethernet jack, one to indicate an Ethernet link LINK ) and one to indicate Ethernet activity ( The RJ-45 connector is shielded to minimize EMI effects to/from the Ethernet signals. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. It can also serve as a general-purpose CMOS output.
The /RESETIN pin is an external input that is used to reset the Rabbit 3000 and the RCM3700 onboard peripheral circuits. The serial programming port can be used to force a hard reset on the RCM3700 by asserting the /RESETIN signal. 4.3 Serial Programming Cable The programming cable is used to connect the programming port of the RCM3700 to a PC serial COM port.
The programming cable converts the RS-232 voltage levels used by the PC serial port to the CMOS voltage levels used by the Rabbit 3000. RCM3700 module to protect against inadvertent shorts across the pins or damage to the RCM3700 if the pins are not plugged in cor- rectly. Do not reapply power until you have verified that the RCM3700 module is plugged in correctly. The RCM3700 takes advantage of the Rabbit 3000 microprocessor’s internal clock doubler. A built-in clock doubler allows half-frequency crystals to be used to reduce radiated emis- sions.
The 22.1 MHz frequency specified for the RCM3700 is generated using a 11.06 MHz resonator. Designer’s Handbook A Flash Memory Bank Select jumper configuration option based on 0 surface-mounted resistors exists at header JP1 on the RCM3700 modules. This option, used in conjunction with some configuration macros, allows Dynamic C to compile two different co-resident programs for the upper and lower halves of the 512K flash in such a way that both pro- grams start at logical address 0000. Dynamic C is contained in the Dynamic C User’s Manual and in the Dynamic C Function Reference Manual.
You have a choice of doing your software development in the flash memory or in the SRAM included on the RCM3700. The flash memory and SRAM options are selected with the menu. LCD display and keypad drivers. Powerful language extensions for cooperative or preemptive multitasking. Loader utility program (Rabbit Field Utility) to load binary images to Rabbit-based tar- gets without the presence of Dynamic C.
Provision for customers to create their own source code libraries and augment on-line help by creating “function description”. Prototyping Board you will be using, SAMPLES RCM3720 if you need to modify it for your own board design. Other generic functions applicable to all devices based on Rabbit microprocessors are described in the Dynamic C Function Reference Manual. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. Ethernet select is disabled. Serial flash select is disabled. CAUTION: Pin PB7 is connected as both switch S2 and as an external I/O bus on the RCM3700 Prototyping Board.
Do not use S2 when the LCD/keypad module is installed. PD4; 3-wire mode for serial data input Output PD5; serial data output /CS driven Input PD2 pulled up; active-low enables serial interface BUFIN Input Driven by VREF; reference buffer amplifier VREF Output Connected to BUFIN BUFOUT Output VREF output RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. 9600 to 57,600 bps. Baud must be set the first time this function is called. Enter 0 for this parameter thereafter, for example, anaInConfig(0x00, 0x00, 9600); // resets device and sets baud RETURN VALUE 0 on write operations, data value on read operations SEE ALSO anaInDriver, anaIn, brdInit RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.AIN2 +AIN3 AIN5 AIN5 -AIN4 +AIN5 AIN6 AIN6 -AIN6 +AIN7 AIN7 AIN7. Negative input is ground.
† Not accessible on RCM3700 Prototyping Board len, the output bit length, is always 12 for 11-bit conversions RETURN VALUE RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. A value corresponding to the voltage on the analog input channel: 0–2047 for 11-bit conversions (bit 12 for sign) -1 overflow or out of range -2 conversion incomplete, busy bit timeout SEE ALSO anaInConfig, anaIn, brdInit RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. +AIN4 +AIN5 +AIN5 -AIN4. +AIN5 +AIN6 +AIN6 -AIN7. +AIN6 +AIN7 +AIN7 -AIN6. +AIN7. Not accessible on RCM3700 Prototyping Board.
Gaincode is the gain code of 0 to 7 Voltage Range Gain Code Multiplier 0–20 0–10 0–5 0–4 0–2.5 0–2 0–1.25. A value corresponding to the voltage on the analog input channel: 0–2047 for 11-bit A/D conversions (signed 12th bit) ADOVERFLOW (defined macro = -4096) if overflow or out of range -4095 if conversion is incomplete or busy-bit timeout SEE ALSO anaIn, anaInConfig, anaInDriver RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. +AIN4 +AIN5 +AIN5 -AIN4.
+AIN5 +AIN6 +AIN6 -AIN7. +AIN6 +AIN7 +AIN7 -AIN6. +AIN7. Not accessible on RCM3700 Prototyping Board. Gaincode is the gain code of 0 to 7 Voltage Range Gain Code Multiplier 0–20 0–10 0–5 0–4 0–2.5 0–2 0–1.25. A/D converter channel value (0 to +20 V or 4 to 20 mA) RETURN VALUE 0 if successful.1 if not able to make calibration constants.
SEE ALSO anaIn, anaInVolts, anaInmAmps, anaInDiff, anaInCalib, brdInit RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. 0–20 +AIN6 0–20 ‡ +AIN7 0–2. Negative input is ground. † Applies to RCM3700 Prototyping Board. ‡ Used for thermistor in sample program. Gaincode is the gain code of 0 to 7 Voltage Range Gain Code Multiplier 0–20 0–10 0–5. — +AIN4 -AIN5 -20 to +20.
+AIN5 -AIN4 — +AIN6 -AIN7 — +AIN7 -AIN6 —. Applies to RCM3700 Prototyping Board. Gaincode is the gain code of 0 to 7 Voltage Range Gain Code Multiplier 0–20 0–10 0–5 0–4 0–2.5 0–2. +AIN5.
+AIN6. +AIN7.
Negative input is ground. † Applies to RCM3700 Prototyp- ing Board. RETURN VALUE A current value between 4.00 and 20.00 mA corresponding to the current on the analog input channel. ADOVERFLOW (defined macro = -4096) if overflow or out of range. +AIN2 -AIN3 +AIN2.
+AIN3 +AIN3 -AIN2. +AIN3 +AIN4 +AIN4 -AIN5 +AIN4 +AIN5 +AIN5 -AIN4. +AIN5 +AIN6 +AIN6 -AIN7.
+AIN6 +AIN7 +AIN7 -AIN6. +AIN7. read all channels for selected opmode ALLCHAN. Not accessible on RCM3700 Prototyping Board. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. 0–20 0–10 0–5 0–4 0–2.5 0–2 0–1.25 0–1. Applies to RCM3700 Prototyping Board.
RETURN VALUE 0 if successful.1 if address is invalid or out of range.2 if there is no valid ID block. SEE ALSO anaInEEWr, anaInCalib. +AIN2 -AIN3 +AIN2.
+AIN3 +AIN3 -AIN2. +AIN3 +AIN4 +AIN4 -AIN5 +AIN4 +AIN5 +AIN5 -AIN4. +AIN5 +AIN6 +AIN6 -AIN7.
+AIN6 +AIN7 +AIN7 -AIN6. +AIN7. Poly reduction tool c4d download full. read all channels for selected opmode ALLCHAN. Not accessible on RCM3700 Prototyping Board.
RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. Configures channels PIO0 to PIO3 on the A/D converter to allow them to be used as digital I/O via header JP4 on the RCM3700 Prototyping Board. Remember to execute the brdInit function before calling this function to prevent a runtime error.
Writes a state to a digital output channel on header JP4 of the RCM3700 Prototyping Board. The PIO0 to PIO3 channels on the A/D converter chip are accessed via header JP4 on the RCM3700 Prototyping Board. 5.2.3 Digital I/O The RCM3700 was designed to interface with other systems, and so there are no drivers written specifically for the I/O. The general Dynamic C read and write functions allow you to customize the parallel I/O to meet your specific needs. For example, use WrPortI(PEDDR, &PEDDRShadow, 0x00).
For more information, see the Dynamic C Function Reference Manual and Technical Note TN213, Rabbit Serial Port Software. The default installation of a patch or bug fix is to install the file in a directory (folder) dif- ferent from that of the original Dynamic C installation. Rabbit recommends using a differ- ent directory so that you can verify the operation of the patch without overwriting the existing Dynamic C installation. Two RJ-45 straight through Ethernet cables and a hub, or an RJ-45 crossover Ethernet cable. The Ethernet cables and a 10Base-T Ethernet hub are available from Rabbit in a TCP/IP tool kit.
More information is available at www.rabbit.com. Connect the AC adapter and the programming cable as shown in Chapter 2, “Getting Started.”. The PC running Dynamic C does not need to be the PC with the Ethernet card. Apply Power Plug in the AC adapter. The RCM3700 module and Prototyping Board are now ready to be used. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. The hub relays packets received on any port to all of the ports on the hub.
Hubs are low in cost and are readily available. The RCM3700 uses 10 Mbps Ethernet, so the hub or Ethernet adapter must be either a 10 Mbps unit or a 10/100 unit that adapts to 10 Mbps.
You will also need the IP address of the nameserver, the name or IP address of your mail server, and your domain name for some of the sample programs. ( is used as a broadcast address. Usually one other address is used for the address of the gateway out of the network.
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This leaves 256 - 3 = 253 available IP addresses for the example given. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
Each RCM3700 RabbitCore module has its own unique MAC address, which consists of the prefix 0090C2 followed by a code that is unique to each RCM3700 module. For exam- ple, a MAC address might be 0090C2C002C0.
The DHCP server may try to give you the same address each time, but a fixed IP address is usually not guaranteed. If you are not concerned about accessing the RCM3700 from the Internet, you can place the RCM3700 on the internal network using an IP address assigned either statically or through DHCP. You can either place the RCM3700 directly on the Internet with a real Internet address or place it behind the firewall. If you place the RCM3700 behind the fire- wall, you need to configure the firewall to translate and forward packets from the Internet to the RCM3700.
These programs require you to connect your PC and the RCM3700 board together on the same network. This network can be a local private net- work (preferred for initial experimentation and debugging), or a connection via the Internet. If you would like to change the default values, for example, to use an IP address of for the RCM3700 board, and for your PC, you can edit the values in the section that directly follows the “General Configuration” comment in library. IP Address: Netmask: Default gateway: 4.
Click to exit the various dialog boxes. RCM3700 IP System Netmask User’s PC Ethernet crossover cable Direct Connection PC to RCM3700 Board RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
Otherwise use the TCP/IP settings you entered in the library. TCPCONFIG.LIB The optional LCD/keypad module (see Appendix C) must be plugged in to the RCM3700 Prototyping Board when using this sample program. The sample program MBOXDEMO.C implements a Web server that allows e-mail messages to be entered and then shown on the LCD/keypad module. —This program demonstrates a basic example to change the rate at.
BLINKLEDS.C which the DS1 and DS2 LEDs on the RCM3700 Prototyping Board or the RCM3720 Prototyping Board blink. —The optional LCD/keypad module (see Appendix C) must be plugged. Rabbit sales representative or authorized distributor for further information on these Dynamic C modules.
NOTE: These sample programs will work only on the RCM3700 and the RCM3720, but not the RCM3710. The RCM3700 RabbitCore modules do not support the download manager portion of the sample program. To try out the update capability, click the upload link on the admin page and choose a simple text file to replace. Open another browser window and load the monitor.ztm main Web page. You will see that your text file has replaced the humidity monitor. To RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. FAT file system.
Press and hold switch S1 on the Prototyping Board until LED DS1 blinks rapidly to indicate that it is now safe to turn the RCM3700 off. This procedure can be modified by the user to provide other application-specific shutdown tasks. RCM3700 S PPENDIX PECIFICATIONS Appendix A provides the specifications for the RCM3700, and describes the conformal coating. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. NOTE: All measurements are in inches followed by millimeters enclosed in parentheses. All dimensions have a manufacturing tolerance of ±0.01' (0.2 mm).
The mounting holes shown in Figure A-1 were introduced in 2009. RCM3700 RabbitCore modules sold before 2009 do not have these mounting holes. It is recommended that you allow for an “exclusion zone” of 0.04' (1 mm) around the RCM3700 in all directions when the RCM3700 is incorporated into an assembly that includes other printed circuit boards. An “exclusion zone” of 0.16' (4 mm) is recom- mended below the RCM3700 when the RCM3700 is plugged into another assembly using the shortest connectors for header J1. 1 clocked serial port (SPI) plus 2 HDLC serial ports (with IrDA) Serial Rate Maximum asynchronous baud rate = CLK/8 A slave port allows the RCM3700 to be used as an intelligent peripheral Slave Interface device slaved to a master processor, which may either be another Rabbit. A.1.1 Headers The RCM3700 uses one header at J1 for physical connection to other boards. J1 is a 2 × 20 SMT header with a 0.1' pin spacing.
Figure A-3 shows the layout of another board for the RCM3700 to be plugged into. These values are relative to the designated fiducial or mounting hole (reference point). (pF) Parallel Ports A to G Table A-3 lists the external capacitive bus loading for the various RCM3700 output ports. Be sure to add the loads for the devices you are using in your custom system and verify that they do not exceed the values in Table A-3.
Figure A-4 shows a typical timing diagram for the Rabbit 3000 microprocessor external I/O read and write cycles. External I/O Read (one programmed wait state) A15:0 valid T adr /CSx T CSx T CSx /IOCSx T IOCSx T IOCSx /IORD. The maxi- mum shortening for a pair of clocks combined is shown in the table. Technical Note TN227, Interfacing External I/O with Rabbit 2000/3000 Designs, con- tains suggestions for interfacing I/O devices to the Rabbit 3000 microprocessors. Stresses beyond those listed in Table A-5 may cause permanent damage. The ratings are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the Rabbit 3000 chip at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in this section is not implied. Exposure to the absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect the reliability of the Rabbit 3000 chip.
Pin Name (mA) Sourcing Sinking All data, address, and I/O lines with clock doubler enabled Under certain conditions, you can exceed the limits outlined in Table A-7. See the Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor User’s Manual for additional information. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. A.5 Conformal Coating The areas around the 32 kHz real-time clock crystal oscillator on RCM3700 RabbitCore modules without mounting holes have had the Dow Corning silicone-based 1-2620 con- formal coating applied. The conformally coated area is shown in Figure A-5. The confor- mal coating protects these high-impedance circuits from the effects of moisture and contaminants over time.
A.6 Jumper Configurations Figure A-6 shows the header locations used to configure the various RCM3700 options via jumpers. Location of RCM3700 Configurable Positions RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. Table A-8 lists the configuration options. RCM3700 Jumper Configurations Factory Header Description Pins Connected Default × 1–2 Normal Mode Flash Memory Bank Select 2–3 Bank Mode RCM3710 1–2 128K–256K RCM3720 SRAM Size 2–3 512K RCM3700 1–2 256K RCM3710.
ROTOTYPING OARD Two different Prototyping Boards are available for the RCM3700 series of RabbitCore modules. The RCM3700 Proto- typing Board has power-supply connections and also provides some basic I/O peripherals (RS-232, RS-485, A/D converter, IrDA transceiver, LEDs, and switches), as well as a prototyping area for more advanced hardware development. The RCM3700 Prototyping Board included in the RCM3700 Development Kit makes it easy to connect an RCM3700 module to a power supply and a PC workstation for devel- opment. It also provides some basic I/O peripherals (RS-232, RS-485, A/D converter, IrDA transceiver, LEDs, and switches), as well as a prototyping area for more advanced hardware development. —Two momentary-contact, normally open switches are con-.
nected to the PF4 and PB7 pins of the RCM3700 module and may be read as inputs by sample applications. Two LEDs are connected to the PF6 and PF7 pins of the RCM3700 module, and may be driven as output indicators by sample applications.
The IrDA uses Serial Port F—Serial Ports C and D are unavailable while Serial Port F is in use. —A 2032 lithium-ion battery rated at 3.0 V, 220 mAh, provides. Backup Battery battery backup for the RCM3700 SRAM and real-time clock. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. B.1.2 Mechanical Dimensions and Layout Figure B-2 shows the mechanical dimensions and layout for the RCM3700 Prototyping Board. RXC TXC RXE /IOWR /IORD GND JP2 DCIN TCMSMTSOCKET LCD1JA /RES PC1/PG2 PC3/ PC0TXD R18 R19 PG7RXE VBAT LCD1JB LCD1JC R31 R32 R33 R34. 5, accept 4-40 × 1/2 screws B.1.3 Power Supply The RCM3700 requires a regulated 4.75 V to 5.25 V DC power source to operate.
Depending on the amount of current required by the application, different regulators can be used to supply this voltage. B.1.4 Using the RCM3700 Prototyping Board The RCM3700 Prototyping Board is actually both a demonstration board and a prototyp- ing board. As a demonstration board, it can be used to demonstrate the functionality of the RCM3700 right out of the box without any modifications.
The RCM3700 Prototyping Board comes with the basic components necessary to demon- strate the operation of the RCM3700. Two LEDs (DS1 and DS2) are connected to PF6 and PF7, and two switches (S1 and S2) are connected to PF4 and PB7 to demonstrate the inter- face to the Rabbit 3000 microprocessor.
B.1.5 Analog Features The RCM3700 Prototyping Board has an onboard ADS7870 A/D converter to demon- strate the interface capabilities of the Rabbit 3000. The A/D converter multiplexes con- verted signals from eight single-ended or three differential inputs to alternate Serial Port B on the Rabbit 3000 (Parallel Port pins PD4 and PD5). A/D converter. Adjacent input channels are paired so that moving a particular jumper changes both of the paired channels.
At the present time Rabbit does not offer the software drivers to work with single-ended negative voltages, but the differential mode described below may be used to measure negative voltages. values for your thermistor if you use another thermistor. To use the applicable R Install the thermistor at location J7, which is shown in Figure B-4. VREF 1 kW Thermistor THERMIN7 ANALOGGND Figure B-6. RCM3700 Prototyping Board Thermistor Input RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. Figure B-7 shows the timing of a conversion start. The double falling arrow on CCLK indicates the actual start of the conversion cycle.
Conversion starts CCLK BUSY CONV Figure B-7. Timing Diagram for Conversion Start Using CONVERT Pin RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. Milliamp, one channel ADRDMACH.C ADCALMACH.C Differential, analog ground ADRDDIFFCH.C ADCALDIFFCH.C These sample programs are found in the Dynamic C subdirec- SAMPLES RCM3700 ADC tory. See Section 3.2.3 for more information on these sample programs and how to use them. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
B.1.6 Serial Communication The RCM3700 Prototyping Board allows you to access five of the serial ports from the RCM3700 module. Table B-4 summarizes the configuration options. RCM3700 Prototyping Board Serial Port Configurations Configured via Serial Port Signal Header.10 V and 0 V is output as +10 V. The RS-232 transceiver also provides the proper line loading for reliable communication. RS-232 can be used effectively at the RCM3700 module’s maximum baud rate for distances of up to 15 m. Rabbit 3000 Serial Port E through an RS-485 transceiver. The half-duplex communi- cation uses an output from PF5 on the Rabbit 3000 to control the transmit enable on the communication line.
Using this scheme a strict master/slave relationship must exist between devices to insure that no two devices attempt to drive the bus simultaneously. The RCM3700 Prototyping Board comes with a 220 termination resistor and two 681 bias resistors installed and enabled with jumpers across pins 1–2 and 5–6 on header JP1, as shown in Figure B-9. Factory Default RXC TXC RXE. B.1.7 Other Prototyping Board Modules An optional LCD/keypad module is available that can be mounted on the RCM3700 Prototyping Board. The signals on headers LCD1JB and LCD1JC will be available only if the LCD/keypad module is installed.
Refer to Appendix C, “LCD/Keypad Module,” for complete information. B.1.8 Jumper Configurations Figure B-10 shows the header locations used to configure the various RCM3700 Prototyp- ing Board options via jumpers. Battery JP5 JP6 JP7 Figure B-10. Location of RCM3700 Prototyping Board Configurable Positions RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. Table B-5 lists the configuration options using jumpers. RCM3700 Prototyping Board Jumper Configurations Factory Header Description Pins Connected Default 1–2 Bias and termination resistors × 5–6 connected RS-485 Bias and Termination Bias and termination resistors not Resistors 1–3 connected (parking position for 4–6. B.1.9 Use of Rabbit 3000 Parallel Ports Table B-6 lists the Rabbit 3000 parallel ports and their use for the RCM3700 Prototyping Board.
RCM3700 Prototyping Board Use of Rabbit 3000 Parallel Ports Port Initial State PA0–PA7 Output External ID0–ID7, LCD/keypad module. RCM3700 Prototyping Board Use of Rabbit 3000 Parallel Ports Port Initial State Output Serial Flash Select Pulled up (core module) Output LCD/keypad module BUFEN Pulled up (Proto Board) Output A/D converter select line Pulled up (Proto Board) Input. CX10 RX10 SMT Prototyping RX11 Area RX12 Power LED CX11 RX13 CX12 RX14 RX15 User CX13 RX16 Switches CX14 User Through-Hole LEDs RS-232 Chip +5 V and GND Buses (leave unstuffed) Figure B-11. RCM3720 Prototyping Board RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. Two 3-wire serial ports or one 5-wire RS-232 serial port are available at header J7. —A 2032 lithium-ion battery rated at 3.0 V, 220 mAh, provides.
Backup Battery battery backup for the RCM3720 SRAM and real-time clock. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
PC2TXC PC1/ PG2RXD PC3/ PG3RXC RCM3720 PROTOTYPING BOARD CX10 RX10 RX11 RX12 CX11 RX13 CX12 RX14 RX15 CX13 RX16 CX14 0.15 (3.8) 4.100 0.15 0.15 (3.8) (104) (3.8) 4.400 (112) Figure B-12. RCM3720 Prototyping Board Dimensions RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
The RCM3720 Prototyping Board itself is protected against reverse polarity by a Shottky diode at D1 as shown in Figure B-13. LINEAR POWER REGULATOR +5 V LM13405-5 DCIN 1N5819 47 µF 10 µF 10 µF 330 µF Figure B-13. RCM3720 Prototyping Board Power Supply RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. As a demonstration board, it can be used to demonstrate the functionality of the RCM3720 right out of the box without any modifications. Figure B-14 shows the RCM3720 Prototyping Board pinouts. RCM3720 Signals RS-232 Figure B-14. RCM3720 Prototyping Board Pinout RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
Two LEDs (DS1 and DS2) are connected to PF6 and PF7, and two switches (S1 and S2) are connected to PF4 and PB7 to demonstrate the inter- face to the Rabbit 3000 microprocessor. Reset switch S3 is the hardware reset for the RCM3720. 30 AWG wire can be soldered (standard wire-wrap wire can be soldered in for point-to-point wiring on the RCM3720 Prototyping Board). Because the traces are very thin, carefully determine which set of holes is connected to which surface-mount pad.
RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. Figure B-16. Locations Where to Install RS-232 Chip and Capacitors NOTE: Only one RS-232 circuit needs to be stuffed. Rabbit offers the through-hole RS-232 chip and its associated capacitors for sale in a sub- assembly with some other parts (part number 151-0150). Contact your Rabbit sales repre- sentative or authorized distributor for more information. Standard 3-wire RS-232 communication using Serial Ports C and D is illustrated in the following sample code. #define CINBUFSIZE #define COUTBUFSIZE 15 #define DINBUFSIZE #define DOUTBUFSIZE 15 #define MYBAUD 115200 #endif main serCopen(MYBAUD); serDopen(MYBAUD); serCwrFlush; serCrdFlush; serDwrFlush; serDrdFlush; RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
B.2.6 Use of Rabbit 3000 Parallel Ports Table B-10 lists the Rabbit 3000 parallel ports and their use for the RCM3720 Prototyping Board. RCM3720 Prototyping Board Use of Rabbit 3000 Parallel Ports Port Initial State PA0–PA7 Input Not used. Table B-10.
RCM3720 Prototyping Board Use of Rabbit 3000 Parallel Ports Port Initial State PF2–PF3 Input Not used Pulled up (core module) Input Switch S1 Pulled up (Proto Board) Output Not used High Output LED DS1 High Output LED DS2 High PG0–PG1. LCD/keypad module on the Prototyping Board. Either version of the LCD/keypad module can be installed at a remote location up to 60 cm (24') away. Contact your sales representa- tive or your authorized Rabbit distributor for further assistance in purchasing an LCD/key- pad module. Operating Range: 0°C to +50°C Temperature Storage Range: –40°C to +85°C Humidity 5% to 95%, noncondensing Power Consumption 1.5 W maximum Connects to high-rise header sockets on the RCM3700 Prototyping Connections Board LCD Panel Size 122 x 32 graphic display Keypad 7-key keypad.
Be sure to select a KDU3V LCD/keypad module for use with the RCM3700 Prototyping Board — these modules operate at 3.3 V. You may adjust the contrast using the potentiometer at R2 as shown in Figure C-3.
Figure C-5. Keypad label is located under the blue keypad matte. Removing and Inserting Keypad Label The sample program in the folder in KEYBASIC.C 122x321x7 SAMPLES LCDKEYPAD shows how to reconfigure the keypad for different applications. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. LCD/Keypad Module Address Assignment Address Function 0xE000 Device select base address (/CS) 0xExx0–0xExx7 LCD control 0xExx8 LED enable 0xExx9 Not used 0xExxA 7-key keypad 0xExxB (bits 0–6) 7-LED driver 0xExxB (bit 7) LCD backlight on/off 0xExxC–ExxF Not used RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
LCD/keypad module to the RCM3700 Proto- typing Board. These connectors are included with the RCM3700 Development Kit. First solder the 2 x 13 connector to location LCD1JA on the RCM3700 Prototyping Board as shown in Figure C-7. Install the LCD/keypad module on header sockets LCD1JA, LCD1JB, and LCD1JC of the RCM3700 Prototyping Board as shown in Figure C-8. Be careful to align the pins over the headers, and do not bend them as you press down to mate the LCD/keypad module with the RCM3700 Prototyping Board. Figure C-9, then use the bezel faceplate to mount the LCD/keypad module onto the panel. 0.125 D, 4x CUTOUT 0.230 (5.8) 2.870 (72.9) 3.100 (78.8) Figure C-9.
Recommended Cutout Dimensions 2. Carefully “drop in” the LCD/keypad module with the bezel and gasket attached. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
Do not tighten each screw fully before moving on to the next screw. Apply only one or two turns to each screw in sequence until all are tightened manually as far as they can be so that the gasket is compressed and the plastic bezel faceplate is touching the panel. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. C.7.1 Connect the LCD/Keypad Module to Your Prototyping Board The LCD/keypad module can be located as far as 2 ft.
(60 cm) away from the RCM3700 Prototyping Board, and is connected via a ribbon cable as shown in Figure C-11. KEYPADTOLED.C program will light up an LED on the LCD/keypad module and will display a message on the LCD when a key press is detected.
The DS1 and DS2 LEDs on the RCM3700 Prototyping Board will also light up. —This program demonstrates how to draw primitive features from the. C.9 LCD/Keypad Module Function Calls When mounted on the RCM3700 Prototyping Board, the LCD/keypad module uses the external I/O bus on the Rabbit 3000 chip.
Remember to add the line #define PORTAAUXIO to the beginning of any programs using the external I/O bus. Sets the LCD screen on or off. Data will not be cleared from the screen. PARAMETER onOff turns the LCD screen on or off 1—turn the LCD screen on 0—turn the LCD screen off RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO glInit, glSetContrast, glBackLight RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
(all black if pattern is 0xFF, all white if pattern is 0x00, and vertical stripes for any other pattern). RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO glFillScreen, glBlankScreen, glBlock, glBlankRegion RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. (must be evenly divisible by 8).
Height is the height of the block. RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO glFillScreen, glBlankScreen, glBlock RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. PARAMETERS n is the number of vertices.
PFirstCoord is a pointer to array of vertex coordinates: x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3. RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO glPlotPolygon, glFillPolygon, glFillVPolygon RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. LCD display area will be clipped. If fewer than 3 vertices are specified, the function will return without doing anything.
PARAMETERS n is the number of vertices. PFirstCoord is a pointer to array of vertex coordinates: x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3. RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO glFillPolygon, glPlotPolygon, glPlotVPolygon RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. (in pixels). RETURN VALUE None.
SEE ALSO glPlotCircle, glPlotPolygon, glFillPolygon RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. Returns the xmem address of the character from the specified font set. PARAMETERS.pInfo is the xmem address of the bitmap font set. Letter is an ASCII character. RETURN VALUE xmem address of bitmap character font, column major and byte-aligned. SEE ALSO glPutFont, glPrintf RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. RETURN VALUE The x step is returned in the MSB, and the y step is returned in the LSB of the integer result.
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SEE ALSO Use glGetPfStep to control the x and y printing step direction. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. (row) of the upper left corner of the text. PInfo is a pointer to the font descriptor.fmt is a formatted string.are formatted string conversion parameter(s). EXAMPLE glprintf(0,0, &fi12x16, 'Test%d n', count); RETURN VALUE None.
SEE ALSO glXFontInit RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. PIXBLACK draws black pixels (turns pixel on). PIXWHITE draws white pixels (turns pixel off). PIXXOR draws old pixel XOR'ed with the new pixel. RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO glGetBrushType RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. (must be evenly divisible by 8).
Height is the height of the bitmap. Xmemptr is the xmem RAM storage address of the bitmap. RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO glXPutBitmap, glPrintf RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. 8, otherwise truncates. Rows is the number of rows in the window.
RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO glHScroll, glRight1 RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. 8, otherwise truncates.
Rows is the number of rows in the window. RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO glVScroll, glUp1 RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. (a negative value will produce a scroll to the left). RETURN VALUE None.
SEE ALSO glVScroll RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO glXPutFastmap, glPrintf RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. RETURN VALUE 0—window frame was successfully created.1—x coordinate + width has exceeded the display boundary.2—y coordinate + height has exceeded the display boundary.3—Invalid winHeight and/or winWidth parameter value.
RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. TextBorderInit function executes. NOTE: Execute the function before using this function. TextWindowFrame PARAMETERS wPtr is a pointer to the window frame descriptor. RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO TextBorderInit, TextGotoXY, TextPutChar, TextWindowFrame, TextCursorLocation RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
RETURN VALUE Lower word = Cursor Row location Upper word = Cursor Column location SEE ALSO TextGotoXY, TextPrintf, TextWindowFrame, TextCursorLocation RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. TextWindowFrame PARAMETERS window is a pointer to a font descriptor.fmt is a formatted string.are formatted string conversion parameter(s). EXAMPLE TextPrintf(&TextWindow, 'Test%d n', count); RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO TextGotoXY, TextPutChar, TextWindowFrame, TextCursorLocation RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. This functions clears the entire area within the specified text window.
NOTE: Execute the function before using this function. TextWindowFrame PARAMETERS wPtr is a pointer to the window frame descriptor. RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO TextGotoXY, TextPrintf, TextWindowFrame, TextCursorLocation RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
How many times to repeat. CCntLo is a low-speed hold tick, which is approximately one debounce period or 5 µs. How long to hold before going to high-speed repeat. 0 = Slow Only. RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual.
The next keypress, or 0 if none SEE ALSO keyConfig, keyProcess, keypadDef int keyUnget(char cKey); Pushes the value of cKey to the top of the input queue, which is 16 bytes deep. PARAMETER cKey RETURN VALUE None.
SEE ALSO keyGet RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. Writes '1' to each row and reads the value. The position of a keypress is indicated by a zero value in a bit position. PARAMETER pcKeys is a pointer to the address of the value read. RETURN VALUE None. SEE ALSO keyConfig, keyGet, keypadDef, keyProcess RabbitCore RCM3700 User’s Manual. Power is supplied from the motherboard to which the RCM3700 is connected via header J1.
The RCM3700 has an onboard +3.3 V linear power regulator that provides the +3.3 V supply to operate the microprocessor-related circuitry of the RCM3700, but not the Ether- net circuit, which requires + 5 V. The drain on the battery by the RCM3700 is typically 6 µA when no other power is sup- plied. If a 235 mAh battery is used, the battery can last about 4.5 years: 235 mAh. 2.85 V and 3.00 V, typically 2.93 V. The RCM3700 has a reset pin, pin 36 on header J1. This pin provides access to the reset output from the reset generator, and is also connected to the reset input of the Rabbit 3000 to allow you to reset the microprocessor externally.
MBEDDED PPLICATION Appendix E provides information for the Secure Embedded Web Application Kit based on the RCM3700. In addition to an RCM3700 RabbitCore module and Dynamic C 8.51 or a later version, the Secure Embedded Web Application Kit comes with. Software Modules on CD-ROM 3—Dynamic C Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) module. This module provides HTTPS security for supported Rabbit-based devices to provide:.
fast processing of complex encryption algorithms (up to 120 kbits/s). support for HTTPS with SSL version 3 and Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1. FAT file system module.application kits hardware connections Ethernet Connection Kit.8 installation.
9 install RCM3700 on Prototyp- Secure Embedded Web Appli- RabbitWeb module.161 ing Board. 10 cation Kit.8 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) power supply.
RCM3700 glInit.135 JP6 (analog inputs refer- alternate configurations. 146 ence).109 RCM3700 headers.
26 glPlotCircle. 140 JP7 (analog inputs refer- RCM3700 Prototyping Board glPlotDot.146 ence).109 glPlotLine.146 JP8 (analog voltage/4–20. 96 FMTDEVICE.C.75 SSLBROWSELED.C.
Power supply. 95 FAT file system module. 162 prototyping area.97 getting to know the RCM3700 SSLMBOXDEMO.C. RS-485 network.105 CONTROLLED.C.18 specifications.95 DIO.C.17 serial communication.124 relative pin 1 locations 124 temperature.124 Rabbit 3000 DC characteris- tics. 85 Rabbit 3000 timing diagram. RCM3700 Prototyping Board RCM3720 Prototyping Board relative pin 1 locations.81 spectrum spreader.84 subsystems digital inputs and outputs.
Good morning,. If you give your subcontractor a bin file, then all they need is the Rabbit Field Utility. This is found in the Dynamic C Utilities folder.
When you run the RFU, there is a Tab 'File Locations'. You will need to send your customer the RFU.exe, plus the coldload.bin, pilot.bin and flash.ini They will need to store these files in the same locations as shown in the file locations in the RFU. They will not have access to your source code since you will be sending a bin file. Jan 7, 2015 by Veteran of the Digi Community ( 541 points).