Rubber Band Gatling Gun Blueprints

Rubber Band Gatling Gun Blueprints
  1. Gatling Rubber Band Machine Gun Plans
Rubber band gatling gun kit

As Mike noted in his article back in 2005, such launches will inevitably prompt discussions as to the wisdom of letting children play with toy guns. Digital electronics by j s katre pdf converter free. Judging by the video, the RBmG fires the bands at a relatively modest power, though presumably this will depend on the size and tension of the rubber bands loaded. XYZbot tells us that the kit will come with sufficient rubber bands of suitable size to fully load the gun. That aside, XYXbot emphasizes that this shouldn't be used to fire rubber bands at other human beings, and that the toy is aimed at children aged 12 and over.

If you’ve ever been in a rubber band fight, time spent reloading can also be time that you’re getting hit with a spongy projectile. Should allow you to dominate the battlefield for quite some time before reloading. Although it’s not an extremely simple project, one should be able to cut this “band slinger” out and assemble it in a weekend. Templates for everything are provided, but it will take some time with a drill and saw to get everything cut out correctly.

Gatling Rubber Band Machine Gun Plans


The video below shows what’s involved in this build. It’s neat to see it come together in a glorious time-lapse sequence in the first video. The second video shows the gun in action around 7:25. As noted in the writeup, this project is meant for someone to be able to build with tools that most people have access to. Instructables author “melarky” only has access to CNC machinery and laser cutters during the school year, so it follows that others may be in that boat too! In order to change this lack of a laser cutter, it’s bee entered into the Epilog Challenge VI contest, so be sure to give it a vote if you enjoy it!