World Ndas Software For Windows - Going where no book on software measurement and metrics has previously gone, this critique thoroughly examines a number of bad measurement practices, hazardous metrics, and huge gaps and omissions in the software literature that neglect important topics in measurement. The book covers the major gaps. A Guide to Selecting Software Measures and Metrics.
Hi, Here's a brief history of my NDAS experience: I have three NDAS hard drives since many years, one 320Gb single and two 1Tb Raid1. They were running well on XP. Then came Windows 7 and I got problems with crashing at boot during many months with the 3.72.2080 on my Dell Vostro 3750 I7 laptop. It booted ok one on four times approx. One day, it was ok, disks displayed a 'recovery mode complete' after boot successfull. When one computer is on, the access to the disk from another computer is very very slow, but ok on the first one online.
Now, as Windows 10 updated, computer crash at boot again and the only way to solve the situation is to do a restauration point before installation of the NDAS driver, as I'm not an expert of debugging Windows to deactivate the driver at boot. On a manufacturer warning message, its said that the driver is unstable on Wireless 10 Mpbs link, but I'm on Wireless B mode at arround 72 mpbs.
Laptop runs ok after driver installed in Wireless mode, but crashes if we change to wired and come back to Wireless and also crash definitively at boot on wireless. Laptop is ok on any circomstances on Ethernet wired cable. If I unplug the Ethernet cable to switch to Wireless it crash and I have to do the restauration all over again. So to avoid temporary the problems I have to uninstall the driver before shutdown and reinstall it after reboot if I want to be on Wireless mode. So, I order an Startech Ethernet cable adapter to Wireless N protocol to fool the driver as it runs ok on wired Ethernet protocol to let my laptop mobile. I hope to solve definitively the problem with that strategy.
I'll see it in a few days. The crash message is about lpx6x.sys KERNEL AUTO BOOST.something. where lpx is the protocol NDAS is using instead of TCP/IP to communicate with disks units. I have a akasa NDAS which like you ( and the others ) worked fine with windows 7,infact it worked ok with windows 10 until recently ( 7/12/15 ) when windows 10 did a build update and the NDAS has was disabled by windows post update however i reinstalled the software/drivers and everything seemed ok but today the drive dissapeared again and ive now disconnected them and plan to directly attach them to one pc for back up the problem being is theres no official windows 10 drivers/software for these devices so until one is released we are pretty much stumped! Much like you my ndas has been erratic and i dont want it like this. Lets hope a driver is released! I have a akasa NDAS which like you ( and the others ) worked fine with windows 7,infact it worked ok with windows 10 until recently ( 7/12/15 ) when windows 10 did a build update and the NDAS has was disabled by windows post update however i reinstalled the software/drivers and everything seemed ok but today the drive dissapeared again and ive now disconnected them and plan to directly attach them to one pc for back up the problem being is theres no official windows 10 drivers/software for these devices so until one is released we are pretty much stumped!
Much like you my ndas has been erratic and i dont want it like this. Lets hope a driver is released! Hi renato thanks for the response. I did the build update 3 days ago ( monday 7th dec ) and i came across it by mistake while looking in windows update. Hi renato thanks for the response. I did the build update 3 days ago ( monday 7th dec ) and i came across it by mistake while looking in windows update. Hi renato my build version is also 10240 ( thanks for the cmd prompt to find that ).
I also changed the ndas and connected it to a neighbours pc which runs windows 7. The same problems occured. It would initially connect but then ( and these are the words shown ) became unstable i believe that one of microsofts windows updates has caused the problem,and the same component of that update has been used with windows 7,8.1 and windows 10 ( 32bit and 64bit ) and allthough windows updates are essential in keeping our pc,s and laptops secure they can also screw up other devices in turn. The only way i can see the ndas issues we are experiencing being fixed is by 'ximeta' releasing a official windows 10 driver and software for the affected devices. I will be emailing ximeta today to ask about this and i will post the reply as soon as i receive it thanks renato brian( brianthesnail ).
As far as I know Ximeta sold the NDAS rights to IOCELL IOCELL Networks iocellnetworks. IOCELL Networks. Plainsboro, NJ, USA. Email address is removed for privacy. if you go on the website you find the source code for the major operating systems this is a field were I don't want to enter I wrote a mail to. Email address is removed for privacy.
if I receive some answer I will post here on wiki you find the history In 2001, Han-gyoo Kim of Korea and Zhe Khi Pak of Russia applied for a US patent on a 'network-attached disk'. By 2002 the first NetDisk (up to 80 GBytes) was marketed as a low cost alternative to full computer based network storage options. The Ximeta company was founded in 2003.
In 2004 Kim applied for a patent to allow multiple clients write access to the shared block storage device. By 2006, sizes up to 500 GBytes were supported.
In 2008 an NDAS device called 'ShareDisk Gigabit' created by Co-World Cs in Germany briefly claimed the title of world's fastest network storage device. In 2011 IOCELL Networks announced ownership of the NDAS system and NetDisk patents I think we have to find another solution let's take in touch Renato Milan ITALY.
UPDATE 12/12/15 It appears there could be another reason why my NDAS stopped working. I connected my laptop to the ndas today to back up the files to a 128gb flash drive,however as soon as i connected the laptop it would work. Ok i can understand problems when connecting via lan but connecting via usb should be plug,n,play so this looks like the hard drive has failed ( or on its way out ) and this could be causing the drive to become unstable ( probally cause its having problems connecting a hard drive thats malfunctioning ) i can easily replace the drive ( i have several 300gb and higher HDD,s ) however if the drive is broken the i wont be able to save the data on the drive ( however i did save all my pictures,backups and video,s to several blueray disks a few months ago. However 3 months of saved data may be lost ) so i will change the hard drive and post the results cheers guys.
As there's nothing seem to be done for this end of road technology, I will buy a brand new NAS Raid 5 package to replace them and avoid any actual and future problems. I will transfert these drives on router's USB port or something else to avoid using NDAS drivers even on wired client protocol. Actually, I can use them from my wireless laptop by sharing disk from another wired computer. So, I need to keep it running for just that and it is not the best situation. Sharing disk by windows features is a lot faster than accessing it directly from a second on-line computer to the disks. Because first computer have priority and others have very slow communication to the disks.
I don't know why if it's a bad configuration or it is made like this. So as NAS if the way industry took instead of NDAS, I will drop down this, considering there no more products ont the market. Has these drives are running since 2006-2007, it's time to transfert to new disk before failure appears at the bad time and goes in backup restoring procedure. No more time to spend on this. This is unfair. NDAS/network direct attached storage must be used by thousands if not millions of home pc ethusiasts/users.
So who decided that a technology should be scrapped. Probally someone who owns a NAS/network attached storage which is safe for now and the forseeable future! Personally i think theres nothing wrong with the ximeta drivers and software. It something that a update has done ( eg performance fix ) and its either removed a crucial system file or blocked the path which NDAS uses! I think we need some clever guy to come up with a unofficial driver for NDAS.
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The only problem with this is would be ensuring the driver and software is safe to be installed on our systems. Or strip the current unworking driver to the code and rewrite it for windows 10! Its a shame though.for now a memory stick or a external hard drive will do!