Mugen Wolverine 71113
Today I am going to show you a mugen battle of team Street Fighters which is Ryu and Shin Gouki versus team Marvel which is Spiderman and Wolverine! Ryu and Shin Gouki by Pots has a good combo and they can chain up like 30 or more sometimes! Spiderman is a pretty well made character with some special attack BUT.

Wolverine can be the biggest combo fighter I ever seen! He is very quick that some other quick mugen characters can not catch him up! Which team do you think is going to win?
Find out by watching this video!!! Download Full MUGEN Games, Characters, Stages, Screenpacks, Lifebars, Add-Ons, etc. Here: Download Characters here: Download Stages here: Download Screenpacks here: Download Lifebars here: Download Full MUGEN Games here: Download M.U.G.E.N Engine Games here: Download all 3 Versions in 1 Fighter Factory Package To Start Creating Your Fighters: Download More AK1 MUGEN Files: Subscribe To My Channel: Download them here!!! Ryu & Shin Gouki by pots: Spiderman: Wolverine.
Mugen Wolverine 71113

Mummy says no to this combo-whoring James Howlett 71113 (Well, excuse me if you aren't a Marvel geek!) because, simply put, his AI is a combo-whoring freak. Main krishna hoon 2013 mp3 songs free download. Did Sander really need an ego boost? Stage: Metro Dream Music: Kawada Mami - Hishoku no Sora (Shakugan no Shana) OK, so as many other players and video told you, this Wolvie is a combo-whoring freak and he does slice me to death in Round 1.
However, it is also apparent that he doesn't learn quickly - Laugh as he falls for the same trick not once, not twice but THRICE in Round 2! Another flaw of his is that he appears to be fond of jump-ins, which I take advantage of later on to defeat him. (More random trivia: I used both OPs of Shakugan no Shana for MUGEN videos against Marvel characters.